John Deere A B G H R AR 50 60 Hydraulic Service Manual
Theory of Operation
Powr-Trol System
Power Lift for A, B and G Tractors
Power Lift for Model H
Valve Housings: Power-Trol for Models A, B, G, R, AR-AO, 50 and 60 Tractors
Valve Housings: Power Lift for Models A, B and G Tractors
Valve Housings: Power Lift for Model H Tractor
Basic Housings
Hydraulic Pumps: Power Shaft Driven, Camshaft Driven for Models AR-AO, 50 and 60 Tractors, Governor Driven Flange Mounted Pump, Governor Driven pumps for Model H Tractor
Pump Specifications
Remote Cylinders and Hoses: Power trol Double Acting Cylinders, Model H Single Acting Cylinder,
Trouble Shooting: Powr Trol, Power Lift for Models A, B and G Tractors and Power Lift for Model H Tractor.
The John Deere Hydraulic Equipment for A, B, G, R, AR-AO, 50 and 60 Tractors Service / Shop Manual this is a reproduction of the same manual that the John Deere tractor factory issued to the John Deere tractor dealers service department. It is written in the language that a mechanic understands. Providing information such as.
The service manual will show shortcuts and save you time and money.