3/4x 1 Inch Brass Push On Reducing Coupler| 3/4"x1"| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and...
1x1x3/4 Inch Brass Push On Tee Fitting |1"x1"x3/4"| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and pex...
1 Inch Brass FPT to Push On Fitting| 1" FPT to Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc,...
3/4 Inch Brass MPT to Push On Fitting| 3/4" MPT to Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc,...
1 Inch Brass MPT to Push On Fitting| 1" MPT to Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc,...
3/4 Inch Brass Push On Elbow| 90 Degree| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and pex...
1 Inch Brass Push On Elbow| 90 Degree| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and pex...
3/4 Inch Straight Brass Push On Coupler| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and pex pipe|...
1 Inch Straight Brass Push On Coupler| Sharkbite style that pushes on to pvc, copper and pex pipe|...
Dayton 1TDN7 Blower Fan With Round Flange| 3 bolt pattern on 4 inch flange| 50CFM|3036 RPM| Can be...
Honeywell Relay R8222D-1014| Required with the strap on Aquastat if you have AC in your Plenum| Double Pull...
Copper Well for Aquastat| Bulb size: 3/8" x 3" (10 mm x 76 mm). | Well size: 3"...