CADET 982 984 986 1912 1914 Onan Engine Service Manual
INTERNATIONAL Compact Loaders 4125, 4130 & 4135 and CUB CADET Engine, Fuel & Electrical Systems (Onan Engine) Models 982, 984, 986, 1912, & 1914 Tractor Service / Shop Reproduction Manual GSS-1484 contains all the information you need to take apart, repair and put back together your International Lawn Mower. This is a reprint of the same manual that the International factory issued to the International tractor dealers service department. Covers these components.
- Engine
- Fuel System
- Electrical System
- It is written in the language that a mechanic understands. Providing information such as.
- General Specifications
- Step by Step disassembly and reassembly procedures
- Torque Specifications
- Trouble Shooting
- Describes Special Service Tools Required