Ai Gx20006 Belt Traction Drive Mower Fits John Deere Riding Mower
Poly V-belts, can be described as flat cord-reinforced transmissions belts with length wise running triangular-shaped ribs with a top angle of 40ï¿¿. This construction leads to good support for all cords in the reinforcement and therefore an even load distribution is achieved. Dim A (1): 1/2" X 88.9" (2258.06) Dim B (2): Poly Dim C (3): Wrap; John Deere RIDING MOWER D110 (Belt, Traction) D120 (Belt, Traction) D130 (Belt, Traction) D140 (Belt, Traction) D150 (Belt, Traction) D155 D160 (Belt, Traction) D170 (Belt, Traction) LA110 (Belt, Traction) LA115 (Belt, Traction) LA120 (Belt, Traction) LA125 (Belt, Traction) LA130 (Belt, Traction) LA135 (Belt, Traction) LA140 (Belt, Traction) LA145 (Belt, Traction) LA150 (Belt, Traction) LA155 (Belt, Traction) LA165 (Belt, Traction) LA175 (Belt, Traction)