PRESSURE PLATE Kabota M6950 M8540 M9540 M7580 M7950 M8950 M8950 M6970 M7970
PRESSURE PLATE Kabota M6950 M8540 M9540 M7580 M7950 M8950 M8950 M6970 M7970
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NEW clutch pressure plate, 12-13/16". Tractors: M6950, M6970, M7580, M7950, M7970, M8540, M8580, M8950, M9540.Product No. -- 36530-25112 | UPC -- 758351616721 | Standard Pack -- 1 | Weight -- 43 lbs This part is for for U.S. built equipment. If you have equipment that was built elswhere, please contact us and we will confirm the part will work for you.